Vince Estrada


St. Louis MO | Board of Directors

Vince has served as Director of Student Services for Maplewood Richmond Heights (MRH) since 2001, transitioning from the school district social worker. In this role, he provides administrative support for the counselors, social, workers, and school nurses as well as working directly with students who are unhoused, students in foster care, students with disabilities, and immigrant/refugee students.

Vince is also on the Board of Directors for Joe’s Place, a home for unhoused MRH students. This innovative program was the brainchild of Dr. Linda Henke and Vince considers has a front row seat for its entire 17-year existence.

In his work, Vince has a personal connection working with immigrant and refugee community. Simply put, they inspire him. Their resilience, commitment to their children, and appreciative spirit motivate him to be a better servant-leader. Vince and his wife, Christy, have three children now grown and living across the U.S.

  • BA Psychology, Marquette

  • EDM. Counseling Psychology, Harvard University

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