About us

The People Behind El Salitre

Meet the Five Roots of Our Center

Our center began with the inspiring efforts of five courageous women from El Salitre. These founding members, through their dedication and resilience, laid the groundwork for our mission to empower women and support families in the area.

The Skilled Seamstresses of El Salitre

At El Salitre Women’s and Children’s Center, our seamstresses are the heart of our mission.

  • I am a single mother and have 2 children. For me, the center has been a great blessing because it has helped me grow as a person and learn many things. Before joining the center, my job was cleaning houses and cooking, and I still do that, but not as much as before because here I have received a lot of help. I am very grateful to each person who makes this center possible.

  • I have three children and I am a single mother. Before, my job was washing, ironing, and making tortillas because I couldn't find a better job. My children were little, and it was very hard for me to support them. I thank God because when Linda came to my house and told me that the center was going to start, it felt like a dream come true. Now that I work at the center, we are better off. Since I joined the El Salitre Women’s and Children’s Center, I have learned to sew, purchased a treadle machine so I can mend clothes at home, and am better able to provide for my children.

  • I am 45 years old, have 2 children, and I am a single mother.

    Before I joined the El Salitre Women’s and Children’s Center I worked first as a maid and then as a factory worker and had difficulty feeding my children. The center has helped me with a job, which is the most important thing to support my family, and I have learned many skills that I didn't know before.

  • I am 37 years old, married, and have four children (17, 16, 10, and 7 years old). Before working at the center, I used to sell food. For me, the center has been of great help because I can have my children here, where they are taught many things. I never attended school and have learned to read and write on my own since joining the center. I have also learned to sew and embroider. With my work at the center, we are able to feed our children and keep them in school.

Student Seamstresses of El Salitre

A second generation of women in El Salitre are following in the footsteps of our founding members, learning the art and craft of seamstressing. These student seamstresses are gaining valuable skills that empower them to support their families and contribute to the local economy. Through our training programs, they not only master traditional techniques but also innovate and bring new creativity to their work, ensuring that the legacy of craftsmanship and self-sufficiency continues to thrive in our community.

  •  I am 38 years old and have 4 children. The center has helped me learn more. Before being here at the center, I sold food to support my children because my husband works as a security guard and what he earns is not enough for us. Thank God, being here at the center has helped me to support my children.

  • I am 27 years old, have 3 children (10, 6, and 2 years old), and my husband is also 27 years old. Before joining the center, I used to take care of my family at home. The center has helped me learn many things, it helps me financially, and one of the benefits I have is that I can have my children by my side and, above all, they have trained teachers to provide them with educational reinforcement.

  • I am 40 years old, a single mother. Before joining the center as a student, I used to clean and wash clothes in some houses, and with that, I managed to sustain us for a few days. The center has been a great blessing because it supports us by teaching us many new things and helps us in any situation, whether personal, professional growth, or if something happens to our children. 

Administration & Staff

El Salitre’s administration oversees the day-to-day operations of the education center and seamstress workshop.

Board of Directors

The Executive Board governs, plans, and oversees the Center work, raises the money to accomplish our goals, and evaluates the success in meeting our vision and mission.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee brings professional expertise to support and guide work on the ground in El Salitre.

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