Bill Panther


Iowa City | Executive Committee

Bill and his wife Cher are long-time residents of Iowa City and have been active in several not-for-profits supporting the poor and hungry in the community. Bill worked as a medical supply salesman for 25 years at a local company in Iowa City. When the company was sold to a national supplier he left because the small local customer service focused company turned into a large impersonal one where stock price was the first priority.

Bill took up house painting because he was done working for other people. Initially it was a way to make some income, but as he got older, Bill decided it was time to start giving back. All income from house painting for 13 years has been donated to nonprofit organizations. At first it was a local food bank. Then Bill met Linda Henke and she sold him on the work being done at El Salitre. For the last 5 years his painting income has gone to the EL Salitre Women’s and Children’s Center.

In 2022 Bill painted the interior of the center and in 2024, he painted the exterior of the building with the help from a young man who had grown up in our program. Bill left the painting equipment with the hope the young man could start his own business, and is eager to mentor him as he develops his painting and entrepreneurial skills.

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Juliana Ortiz


Natasha Webster